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Che soave armonia

Tirami Su

Che soave armonia

Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917203523
Catnr: CC 72035
Release date: 01 January 1999
1 CD
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 72035
Release date
01 January 1999

About the album

Onbekende Italiaanse werken tussen de renaissance en de barok
Erin Headley is een Amerikaanse lierspeler, hoogleraar en dirigent van verschillende oude muziekensembles. Samen met luitenist Stephen Stubbs en Andrew Lawrnece-King was zij onderdeel van het Tragicomedia Ensemble. Later ging ze spelen in het Tirami Su ensemble, waarmee ze dit album heeft opgenomen in 1999.
Op dit album voert het ensemble werken uit van onder andere Claudio Monteverdi, Emilio de Cavalieri, Maurizio Cazzati en Giovanni Felice Sances. Centraal staan de Italiaanse componisten die de overgang van de renaissance naar de barok markeren, waarin Monteverdi de bekendste is. Zelfs wat betreft Monteverdi kiezen dirigent Erin Headley en haar Tirami Su echter niet voor de populaire werken. In plaats daarvan kiezen ze ervoor om juist de onbekende werken te laten horen en de “moeilijke” muziek aan een breder publiek te presenteren.

Erin Headley en Tirami Su spelen op dit album samen met sopraan Laurie Reviol en bas Harry van der Kamp. Zowel Reviol als Van der Kamp zijn bekende solisten die zich met name richten op de barok- en renaissancemuziek. Zij hebben meerdere albums opgenomen met Erin Headley en Tirami Su. De musici proberen de oude uitvoeringspraktijk zo dicht mogelijk te benaderen door te spelen op traditionele instrumenten.


Claudio Monteverdi

Claudio Monteverdi was an Italian composer and conductor, whose work marked the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque. Moreover, he composed the earliest operas that are still regularly performed today. Monteverdi worked as maestro di capella at the court of the duke of Mantua and at the San Marco in Venice. He was a famous musician during his lifetime, but his compositions also provoked opposition. The conservative theorist Giovanni Maria Artusi criticized the technical flaws in some of Monteverdis madrigals. The composer defended himself by making a distinction between two styles of composition, the prima prattica, in which the harmony is dominant, and the seconda prattica , in which the music is subordinate to the text. Monteverdi championed the seconda prattica, and eventually broke with traditional...
Claudio Monteverdi was an Italian composer and conductor, whose work marked the transition from the Renaissance to the Baroque. Moreover, he composed the earliest operas that are still regularly performed today.
Monteverdi worked as maestro di capella at the court of the duke of Mantua and at the San Marco in Venice. He was a famous musician during his lifetime, but his compositions also provoked opposition. The conservative theorist Giovanni Maria Artusi criticized the technical flaws in some of Monteverdis madrigals. The composer defended himself by making a distinction between two styles of composition, the prima prattica, in which the harmony is dominant, and the seconda prattica , in which the music is subordinate to the text. Monteverdi championed the seconda prattica, and eventually broke with traditional Renaissance polyphony and began to employ the basso continuo and recitative to do better justice to the text.
Monteverdi wrote amongst others eight books of madrigals, two collections of liturgical music and various operas. The opera L'incoronazione di Poppea is considered a culminating point of Monteverdi's work. It contains tragic, romantic, and comic scenes and warmer melodies than previously heard.



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